Prayer Times

Salah Iqamah
Fajr 6:30 am
Dhuhr 2:00 pm
Asr 5:30 pm
Maghrib sunset
Isha 8:30 pm
First Jumu'ah 1:30 pm Khutbah
2:00 pm Salah
Second Jumu'ah 3:15 pm Khutbah
3:45 pm Salah

Click Here for the monthly prayer time table.

Welcome to
Maryam Islamic

Maryam Islamic Center was founded in 2003 and is a 501 (c) non-profit organization located in Sugar Land, TX, and is an institution that is run under the Islamic Society of Greater Houston. It serves its own Sugar Land community, as well as its guests from all over Houston.

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